Information for Parents and Caregivers
Please find below some frequently asked questions and their answers. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Bell Times
School starts @ 9:00 am
Morning tea is @ 10:30 am to 10.50am
Lunch is @ 12:00 pm – 12:45pm
Afternoon Brain Break is @ 1:45pm - 2:00 pm
School finishes at 3:00 pm
We request parents to arrange a meeting with the principal prior to enrolment. For new entrants, please contact us at least one month prior to the child’s fifth birthday to organise a pre-enrolment visit.
We have an assembly every second Wednesday at 2:15 pm, and all are welcome to attend.

Notices and Communication
Kaitoke School uses HERO as our main communication tool with our community. HERO Student Management System is a digital tool that helps schools in New Zealand keep track of student information. It has an easy-to-use interface for teachers, students, and parents to access this information. HERO makes it simple for teachers to record grades and create reports, and for parents to keep track of their child's academic performance and communicate with teachers. It also has features like class schedules and school notices. HERO is widely used in New Zealand schools and is known for making administrative tasks easier, improving communication, and helping students do better in school.
All our communications are done through HERO so please ensure you have the app downloaded. Please follow these instructions to download HERO onto your phone. Alternatively - you can use the HERO link on this site to access your log in page.
Our school is built with Lockwood construction and provides ample space for hands-on learning and meeting the physical needs of our students. We have wide open spaces and many additional resources for learning in different contexts, such as a kiln, art room, technology area, vegetable gardens, shade house, and a well-resourced library and an amazing paddock bordered with horses, sheep and cows. We also have a beautifully maintained swimming pool where our tamariki get to swim every day over summer. We have a fantastic tree climbing forest, where our tamariki can climb the trees and build huts and forts.
Read more about our environment.
School Transport
For those that are eligible, there is a school bus available to pick students up before school from designated stops and return them at the end of the day. Please check with the office for eligibility.
Our school newsletter is sent out at the end of each term.

Our school is well-resourced and uses ICT as an integral part of learning. We are currently working with Digital Circus, a Ministry of Education accredited PLD provider, to support our students' learning. We treat every child as an individual, and our learning programmes are child-centered, engaging and set high expectations for all.
All students are required to have a school t-shirt for when they are representing the school for certain events, such as sports days and Matariki celebrations. These are $10 each and can be purchased at the school office.
School Lunches
We provide a free, delicious, healthy and nutritious morning tea and lunch every day for our tamariki. If your child has any allergies or dietary requirements, please let us know so we can cater for their needs. You are most welcome to provide lunch for your child, should you wish.